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院级高等讲堂:Effects of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the Construction Industry
  发表时间:2024-04-23    阅读次数:

主讲人:Serji N. Amirkhanian 教授

邀请人:肖飞鹏 教授




Serji N. Amirkhanian教授当前是世界银行和多个国家的道路工程顾问,现任美国阿拉巴马大学教授。他是印度理工大学,挪威科技大学,tyc8722太阳集团城等多个世界高校客座教授或研究员,曾任美国Clemson大学教授、交通工程Mays教授(冠名教授)、Clemson大学杰出校友教授。已培养世界各国博士后、博士、硕士80多名,他培养的多名博士在美国、中国、挪威、约旦、韩国等国高校和政府科研部门任职。他的研究方向包括橡胶沥青材料、再生沥青材料、纳米改性沥青材料等。近30年来,从美国自然科学基金会、联邦公路局、南卡罗莱纳州交通厅、南卡罗莱纳州环境管理局等科研机构获得的研究经费累计超过3000万美元,他领导进行的橡胶沥青和路面材料再生研究极大推动了世界范围内废旧橡胶轮胎和废旧路面材料回收再利用的进程,为路面材料高性能化和低环境负荷化做出了突出贡献。Amirkhanian教授在众多高水平国际刊物和会议上发表学术论文超过300篇,大多被国际检索(SCIEI等)收录,总引用次数超过15000次。同时兼任ASTMTRBASCE、欧洲废旧轮胎协会、美国橡胶路面协会等机构委员、Adv. Civ. Eng.期刊的编委和Construction and Building Materials的特邀主编,并获得Certificate of Appreciation - National ASCE等众多奖项。近年来组织了许多次国际学术会议并担任会议主席或者合作主席,在全球范围内做了超过250次专题报告和会议报告,在先进道路材料以及废旧路面材料回收再利用方面有较强的国际影响力。


The AI industry is growing rapidly in many industries from medical to food industries. The construction industry has been involved with the application of AI and related topics for decades. However, the utilization of the technology has been slow. Major construction companies have been involved with the development of this technology for many years. It is hypothesized that the AI technology will have a major impact on future of the paving industry. An introduction to the paving and construction industries will be covered in addition to the overview of the AI. The effects of the AI industry in the construction industry, specially the paving industry, will be discussed. Several areas of the implementation of this technology will be briefly covered. The advantages and disadvantages of the AI in the industry will be summarized. In addition, several examples of the implementation of the AI technologies in the paving industry will be discussed.

