Reliable Design of Service Facility Location: Addressing the Threat of
Probabilistic Disruptions
主讲嘉宾:Yanfeng Ouyang
Ouyang is tenured Associate Professor, P.F. Kent Endowed Faculty Scholar of
Civil and Environmental Engineering, and D.B. Willett Faculty Scholar at the
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). He received his Ph.D. in
civil engineering from the University of California at Berkeley in 2005. He
currently serves as a Department Editor of IIE
Transactions, an Area Editor of Networks
and Spatial Economics, an Associate Editor of Transportation Science, an Associate Editor of Transportmetrica B, and a Guest (Co-)Editor of Transportation Research Part B, Journal
of Intelligent Transportation Systems, and the International Journal of Rail Transportation. He is also on the
editorial advisory board of Transportation
Research Part B and the Journal of
Infrastructure Systems. He received
a Walter L. Huber Research Prize from the American Society of Civil Engineers
in 2015, a Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award from the U.S.
National Science Foundation in 2008, a High Impact Project Award from the
Illinois Department of Transportation in 2014, an Engineering Council
Outstanding Advisor Award from UIUC in 2014, a Xerox Award for Faculty Research
from UIUC in 2010, and a Gordon F. Newell Award from Berkeley in 2005, among
While planning service networks to serve
spatially distributed customers, we consider the case where facilities are
subject to probabilistic failure (due to reasons such as adverse weather or
disasters). If a facility fails, its customers either lose service and incur a
high penalty, or have to seek farther facilities and bear excessive service
costs. We mainly focus on planning optimal facility locations as well as
customer assignment strategies for a supply chain, so as to minimize the
expected system costs under normal and failure scenarios. We start with the
basic case where site-specific and independent facility disruptions occur in
the traditional facility location problem context. Then we show extensions
where inbound and outbound deliveries are conducted via vehicle routing, and where
facility disruptions exhibit positive and/or negative spatial correlations (e.g.
when interdependent facilities are exposed to similar hazards or the risks of
cascading failures). We will briefly show how to develop compact mixed-integer
program models that can be solved by customized algorithms such as Lagrangian
relaxation. We will also present a series of continuum approximation models
that not only serve as very efficient heuristic method to find near-optimum
solutions for large-scale systems, but also help provide useful managerial
insights (e.g., solution robustness to input data errors, and effects of system