主题:Biofuel Supply Chain Optimization, Energy Efficiency
Analysis and Sustainability Assessment in Life Cycle Perspective
主讲人:任竞争 博士
任竞争,男,1987年生,博士,现任南丹麦大学助理教授,并被安全与发展政策研究院(瑞典)聘为非常驻研究人员,帕多瓦大学质量与环境研究中心(意大利)聘为客座研究人员,重庆大学聘为兼职研究人员,南京信息工程大学聘为非全时专家。2004年进入重庆大学理工综合班(本硕连读资格),2008年毕业于重庆大学化学工程与工艺专业,获学士学位,同年保送重庆大学化学工程与技术专业攻读硕士学位,提前一年毕业获硕士学位,后进入东华工程科技股份有限责任公司(原化工部第三设计院)从事化工过程模拟与工艺设计相关方面的工作,2012年以满分的成绩进入帕多瓦大学攻读博士学位,2015年获得博士学位,荣获2014年国家优秀自费留学生奖学金。2015年1月至6月在南丹麦大学(丹麦)从事博士后研究,2015年7月被聘为该校助理教授。在国际国内著名期刊如, Renewable &
Sustainable Energy Reviews, Energy, Bioresource Technology, AIChE Journal, Energy Conversion and Management,
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Journal of Cleaner Production,
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, Waste Management,
and International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment发表论文40余篇,其在多准则决策和低碳能源战略管理方面的系列研究成果基础上,其提出的多角色决策来替代民主决策以应对气候变化的观点被Nature以Correspondence的形式录用,将于近期发表,担任国际期刊Engineering Management Research编委会成员,国际期刊Resources,Conservation and Recycling客座编辑 并担任二十多个国际期刊的审稿人。其研究方向主要包括工业生态 (可持续导向的工业过程优化、可持续评价、低碳交通等)、能源系统工程(能源规划、能源安全、能源战略等)和过程系统工程,其研究成果在学界和业内受到广泛关注,其两篇研究成果被国际著名学术网站Renewable Energy
Global Innovations作为Key Scientific Article进行亮点报道,该网站同时对其和其系列研究成果进行特别报道。
Biofuel has been
regarded as a promising alternative scenario for substituting the traditional
fossil fuels for emissions mitigation and energy security enhancement. Assessing the life cycle energy efficiency of
various pathways for biofuel production, differentiating efficient and non-efficient scenarios, and identifying wasteful energy losses in biofuel
production are of vital importance for the decision-maker to select the most
energy-efficient technology for biofuel production and to take effective
measures for improving energy efficiency. Meanwhile, sustainability assessment
of various pathways for biofuel production can help the stakeholders/decision-makers
to select the most sustainable scenario for biofuel production in life cycle
perspective, and further for promoting sustainable development. Moreover, models
for biofuel supply chain design with the considerations of different objectives
under different conditions are also significantly important for planning the
development of biofuel industry.
In order to address these, we developed
various novel and feasible models for finding efficient biofuel production
scenarios and designing biofuel supply chain by optimizing life cycle cost,
life cycle sustainability performance, life cycle energy consumption, and life
cycle CO2 emission under different conditions. This presentation
will present a systematic study on Biofuel Supply Chain Optimization, Energy
Efficiency Analysis and Sustainability Assessment in Life Cycle Perspective.