主题:Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)
research at Swinburne University – An overview
主讲人:Dr. Quoc Bao Vo,澳大利亚斯威本科技大学副教授
邀请方联络人:王雪松 教授
Dr. Quoc Bao Vo is
currently Associate Professor at the School of Software and Electrical
Engineering, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia. He is also Adjunct
Professor at the John Von Neumann Institute, Vietnam National University.
Previously, he was a Research Fellow at the School of Computer Science and
Information Technology, RMIT University, Australia and a Research Scientist at
the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) and University of
Saarland, Germany. He published extensively (over 100 peer-reviewed articles in
international journals and conference proceedings) in the areas of artificial
intelligence (AI) and agent technologies, intelligent transport systems (ITS) and Smart Cities, Smart
Infrastructure. He is member of editorial boards of several international
journals. He covers a large number of roles in international conferences and
workshops including Program Chair, Workshop Chair and Publicity Chair
(including AAMAS, SOCASE and Australasian AI). He was a co-recipient of the Best Paper Award
at ASSRI 2013 and the Best Student Paper Award at IEEE SCC 2015.