主讲人:Carlton Ho
邀请人:陕耀 副教授
Dr. Ho has a B.S, M.S. and Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from Stanford University. He is currently on the Faculty of the University of Massachusetts. Previously, he was at Washington State University and the Illinois Institute of Technology. Dr. Ho was also a visiting researcher at the United States Geologic Survey, the École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, and the University of Edinburgh, Scotland. Currently he is a Visiting Scholar with the Department of Urban Rail Transit and Railway Engineering at Tongji University,Jiading.
Ballast is an important component of the railroad substructure, providing resistance to forces, distribution of loads to reduce stress on the subgrade, and drainage of water away from the track. It is important to understand the behavior and strength properties of ballast in varying conditions. To accomplish this task, a combination of triaxial tests and model box tests were performed in the lab. The triaxial tests and the model box tests were designed to model the varying conditions that might occur as ballast is fouled and wetted. Ballast specimens were prepared in two ways the first series of tests were conducted with mixtures of clean fresh AREMA #4 ballast composed of Connecticut granite. This ballast was mixed with granite stone dust from the same quarry to simulate the fouling from abrasion. A second set of samples were prepared from fouled and worn ballast taken from track in need of ballast replacement. This second ballast was composed of basalt that when first placed met the AREMA #4 specifications, but now did not because of abrasion and breakage. Also, the fouling material was a mixture of abraded material and fines that were naturally added to the mixture. The triaxial tests were used to determine the strength and deformation characteristics of the ballast as a function of fouling content and moisture content by modeling in situ conditions. The results indicated a variation of strength and deformation that was influenced by particle shape, fouling percentage, moisture content and type of fouling material.