主讲人:Dr. Danjue Chen
邀请人:孙剑 教授
Dr. Danjue Chen is an Assistant Professor at the University of Massachusetts Lowell. Her research focuses on traffic flow theory, connected and automated vehicles, traffic control, and eco-driving. She has authored over 15 journal papers on the best transportation journals (e.g., Transportation Research Part B). She is a founding member of TRB-AHB 45 Subcommittee on Traffic Flow Modeling for Connected and Automated Vehicles. Dr. Chen had her PhD from Georgia Institute of Technology and B.S. from Peking University. She worked as a Researcher at the University of Wisconsin - Madison and California PATH at University of California, Berkeley.
This talk will briefly introduce Dr. Chen’s research on connected automated vehicles (CAV). The first example is the variable speed limit control schemes enabled by connected vehicles. The 2nd example is the roadway capacity formulation for traffic mixed with regular and automated vehicles. Finally, it with discuss the future directions on CAV research.