Feng ZHANG 教授
主讲人:Feng ZHANG教授
邀请人:凌建明 教授
Dr. Feng Zhang is a professor of Nagoya Institute of Technology (NIT, National University Association, Japan) since 2005 and is also a Concurrent Professor of Tongji University since 2006. He got Ph.D. degree from Kyoto University in 1995. He served as the head of Civil Engineering Department of NIT during 2006 to 2008 and the director of Advanced Disaster Prevention Engineering Center of NIT during 2011 to 2014. His main research interests are in constitutive modeling in soil mechanics & rock mechanics, numerical analyses in geotechnical engineering and seismic evaluation of earth structures. He is recipient of the awards including the Best Paper Medal of Soils & Foundations (2002, 2011) and the Best Paper Medal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers (2007).
Numerical analysis is one of the approaches to investigate Settlement caused by train loading. The method can treat any boundary value problem (BVP) with complicated boundary and Its final goal is to predict the behavior of a BVP before it happens. Aimed at this goal, in this report, a series soil-water full-coupling static/dynamic finite element analyses in time domain on the settlement of piled-raft foundation, based on a unified constitutive model that can qualitatively describe the mechanical behaviors of soft soils ranging from clay to sand.
The report consists the following two parts:
Part I Settlement of piled-raft foundation due to high-speed train loading
Part II High-frequency vibration loading test on model piled-raft foundation under 1G condition and its numerical simulation.