土木结构顾问,i-TWO Group广州(2009-2010)
Best Presentation Award (corresponding author), 6th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Engineering,2021
Journal of Infrastructure Systems (SCI, JCR Q2) 杰出审稿人,2021
ITS Michigan Scholar Award (3/120), 美国交通部第五区五所大学研究生和博士生未来交通设计竞赛亚军,2019
Pai Tao Yeh 奖学金 (3/200), 土木工程系唯一两次获得此奖的博士生,2015
Intermodal Freight Award (1/39), the Intermodal Freight Committee of Transportation Research Board,美国交通研究委员会货物联运委员会第一届最佳论文奖,2015
Pai Tao Yeh 奖学金 (6/200), 土木工程系400多名研究生/博士生中共六人获奖,2014
1. Guo, Y.*, D. Souders, S. Peeta, I. Benedyk, S. Labi, Y. Li. “Paving the Way for Autonomous Vehicles: Understanding Autonomous Vehicle Adoption and Vehicle Fuel Choice under User Heterogeneity”, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, Vol. 154, 2021, pp. 364-398. (SCI JCR-Q1)
1. Guo, Y.*, S. Agrawal, S. Peeta, I. Benedyk. “Safety and Health Perceptions of Location-based Augmented Reality Gaming App and Their Implications”, Accident Analysis & Prevention, 2021, 106354. (SCI JCR-Q1)
2. Guo, Y.*, S. Peeta, S. Agrawal, I. Benedyk. “Impacts of Pokémon GO on Route and Mode Choice Decisions: Exploring the Potential for Integrating Augmented Reality, Gamification and Social Interactions in Mobile Apps to Influence Travel Decisions”, Transportation, 2021, In press. (SCI JCR-Q1)
3. Guo, Y.*, H. Yu., G. Zhang, J. Ma. “Exploring the Impacts of Travel-implied Policy Factors on COVID-19 Spread within Communities based on Multi-source Data Interpretations”, Health & Place, Vol. 69, 2021, 102538. (SSCI JCR-Q1)
4. Guo, Y.*, Y. Li, P. Ch. Anastasopoulos, S. Peeta, J. Lu. “China’s millennial car travelers’ mode shift responses under congestion pricing and reward policies: A case study in Beijing”, Travel Behaviour and Society, Vol. 23, 2021, pp. 86-99. (SSCI JCR-Q2, 入选ESI高被引论文)
5. Tang, T.,Y. Guo*, X. Zhou, S. Labi, S. Zhu. “Understanding electric bike riders' intention to violate traffic rules and accident proneness in China”, Travel Behaviour and Society, Vol. 23, 2021, pp. 25-38. (SSCI JCR-Q2)
6. Guo, Y.*, J. Wang, S. Peeta, P. Ch. Anastasopoulos, “Personal and societal impacts of motorcycle ban policy on motorcyclists’ home-to-work morning commute in China”, Travel Behaviour and Society, Vol. 19, 2020, pp. 135-150. (SSCI JCR-Q2, 入选ESI高被引论文)
7. Guo, Y., S. Peeta, “Impacts of personalized accessibility information on residential location choice and travel behavior”, Travel Behaviour and Society, Vol. 19, 2020, pp. 99-111. (SSCI JCR-Q2, 入选ESI高被引论文)
8. Zheng, L.,Y. Guo*, S. Peeta, B. Wu, “Impacts of information from various sources on the evacuation decision-making process during no-notice evacuations in campus environment”, Journal of Transportation Safety & Security, Vol. 12, No. 7, 2020. (SSCI JCR-Q3, )
9. Li, Y.,Y. Guo, S. Peeta, J. Lu, Y. Li, “Impacts of congestion pricing and reward strategies on automobile travelers’ morning commute mode shift decisions”, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, Vol. 125, 2019, pp. 72-88. (SCI JCR-Q1, 影响因子:5.594)
10. Guo, Y., J. Wang, S. Peeta, P. Ch. Anastasopoulos, “Impacts of internal migration, household registration system, and family planning policy on travel mode choice in China”, Travel Behaviour and Society, Vol. 13, 2018, pp. 128-143. (SSCI JCR-Q2)